The winters kick-start the season of the Indian Gooseberry, better known as Amla, and are available for about a month. The marble-like berries are not only used in a variety of food preparations, they’re also highly revered in Ayurvedic medicine.
Amla fruit has exceptional antioxidant content; the berries are juiced for their extracts and dried into powders for capsules. Studies have shown its nutrient content to have phenols, flavonoids, and tannins, along with a wide array of other antioxidants. Amla contains 20 times the amount of Vitamin C as an Orange.
The elaborate process of preparing Amla Pickle contains selecting the ripe berries, cutting them, and finally the secret preparation process results in a pickle which is just heavenly and at the same time healthy. This can be used as a pickle along with regular food items.
very tasty!
Very yummy
Home made taste
Good taste